Nah. What you want is something like this:
Saw it in Cyprus a few years ago. I've no idea what they sell, but you can bet it's going to be pretty damn awesome. In fact, I expect there is absolutely nothing they don't stock, this side of a parallel dimension.
"Left handed screwdriver sir? Aisle 48."
"Shark farts, madam, of course. Ailse 2."
"Rameses testicle in a jar of liquid methane? Would you liked that gift-wrapped sir?"
I went in for a pterodactyl sandwhich but . . . wait for it . . . they'd run out of bread!
Ah than' yew!
(AV raises an eyebrow) Jules, do you really think they ran out of bread? I fully suspect that the next bacth of pterodatycls had come out of the oven yet.