Saturday, May 15, 2010

Roast host posts ghost post

I am extraordinarily honoured to be the subject of Eddie Bluelights interview over at Clouds and Silvery Linings.

Eddie has taken on the mantle of interviewing bloggers about why they do that thing that they do, and future interviewees are chosen at the condemnation commendation of previous victims honoured guests.

For this reason, the subjects tend to be of stratospheric ability, and so it seems apt that levels should be taken down a peg or two.

Hence my effort.

Due to extra-blogospheric commitments, my current posting rate is lower than a moles bumhole, which I'm hoping to rectify when social services step in to help me look after my kids. Should be any day now.

Despite this weeks dubious choice, I urge you to visit Eddie's blog because of its charm and quality.

I recommended queen of post titles Madame DeFarge and king of a sizeable percentage of Glesga Jimmy Questionable Parentage as my two choices for future interviews, but the marvellous Madame was interviewed just last week, and one of her recommendations was said Jimmy. This demonstrates my ability to be behind the times in every media, not just fashion and cuisine.

Many thanks to Mr London Street for his kind words during his interview.

Right, I've got to go. I've just spilled some prawn cocktail on my kipper tie.


  1. Thought it was feeling a bit warm in here. Fab roast and thanks for the mention. I am entirely humbled. For a few minutes at least. (and off to see the UOGB at the start of June in London - hurray!)

  2. Bravo (standing and applauding)

    Well done on the interview sir.

  3. Great interview. I enjoyed it. Thank you.

  4. You are hilarious! Enjoyed your roast at Eddies! You have a new fan! And please don't worry about how often you post...(I only post once a week, and usually it is a behemoth!) I'm sure that if all your posts are as funny as you are that I, for one, will not care how frequently or infrequently you post! Have a wonderful weekend! ~Janine

  5. Mdme DeF - Excellent stuff. They really are quite marvellous to behold.

    SkylersDad - Why thank you kindly old bean!

    Ocean Girl - Thak you too, and welcome aboard!

    Sniffles and Smiles - Hi Janine. Sounds like a good record to me. Thank you and welcome to The Gravel Farm!

  6. I came here from Eddie's Roast...and I really like what you have to say...(and the way you say it!!) Great roast...absolutely fabulous.
    I will be back...
    Smiles to you from Jackie

  7. Jules, loved the interview - excellent stuff all round, sir. Quick question though, popped over to that blog you recomended 'The U' - looks like he's not blogging anymore. True?

  8. Teacher's Pet - Nice to have you along Jackie! Glad you liked the blog.

    Judearoo - Yes, he's taken a small hiatus of indeterminable length, but his back catalogue of posts are worth a flick through at the very least. And ta as well!

  9. Brilliant Roast, Jules and thanks for appearing on The Sunday Roast.
    Glad to meet someone else with a similar sense of humour - must be the entonox LOL

  10. Eddie - You're welcome. I enjoyed doing it so thank you for asking.

  11. I came here drug by the heels all the way from California and across a freezing ocean. As I told you on Eddie's Roast, I do NOT have time to read another blog. Why do you have to be so entertaining?! Doggone it. I'm now a follower. What the heck?!

  12. Wonderful roast. I loved the interview, very funny.

  13. Robynn - Aha! You're very welcome here!

    otherwordlyone - Ta, glad you liked it.

  14. Jules,

    I have an award for you. You can get it at Life...
    Oh, there is a little meme too. LOL


  15. AV - Thank you kindly. Hopefully I shall be able to indulge in the meme at some point!


I'm going to risk taking comment moderation off for a bit, so if you're a web-bot, a robot, a bot-fly or a bottom-dwelling sediment-feeder, then please refrain from commenting.

Otherwise, have a go. S'fun.