Yes, I lost my kid in the beer aisle. In my defence it was only temporarily, and he seemed happy enough when I got back on Thursday.
I've been wandering and wondering about the world now for over five decades, and think I'm starting to get to grips with it, at least as much as anyone else on the planet. Look . . .
LMAO! Poor kid! I don't know how you could lose as cute as him!
ReplyDeleteThat's it, dear friend, train them while they are still young and susceptible to parental influence ;)
ReplyDeleteIn my mind, you sounded just like Sir Richard Attenborough narrating this.
ReplyDeleteThinkfyou - It wasn't on purpose you know. Not like last time.
ReplyDeleteLadytruth - They're like pscyhological putty. Mwahahahaa.
SkylersDad - I was hoping for his brother David, but it's roughly the right lovey ballpark!
At least your kid didn't lose YOU in the beer aisle. That might have taken a little more explaining. Or not.
ReplyDeleteAh, don't worry about it Jules, one day he's going to be old enough to understand the whole 'Men + Beer - Concentration' equation for himself, and then he can come out of therapy and stop blaming you
ReplyDeleteI've been lost in the beer aisle many times. It always takes me a little while to un-lose myself.
ReplyDeleteI can understand how you might have been distracted pal. Alcohol can have that effect on the brain, even before consuming the lovely stuff.
ReplyDeleteWas he looking for the beer or were you? Or was he playing with the box on the grounds that it was more interesting?
ReplyDeleteWait a minute! Is that him behind the Grolsch and underneath the Heinekin??? Looks like the distributor gave him a little Grolsch jacket...
ReplyDeleteAh damn it anyway! I knew it was Attenborough but I couldn't remember the first name. Loved his work on the Planet earth series.
ReplyDeleteCatLadyLarew - Perfectly understandable losing ME in the beer aisle. Especially if I don't want to be found.
ReplyDeleteGirl I - My only hope at immortality is to ensure that my . . . er . . . teachings, affect him for the rest of his life!
Mo - Getting lost now and then is like a little holiday, sin't it.
Jimmy - It's like a present waiting to be opened. The gift that keeps on giving.
Mdme DeF - Like all children, he prefers empty boxes, especially if they contained something very expensive to ignore.
ReplyDeleteEric - It's like packaging camo.
SkylersDad - Don't worry about it. Rumour is that, when the Queen wanted to recognise David for his programmes and said "Give Attenborough a knighthood", her arty-farty thespian-loving flunkies made the smae mistake and presumed she meant Richard, so he got it first.
hey, my husband was left at the AIRPORT when he was 7 years old by his MOTHER! yeah, she came back for him, but i do wonder when he plans on exacting his revenge! xoxox
ReplyDeleteSavannnah - I bet he had lots of exciting adventures foiling robbers and jewel smugglers with the help of a stray yet unfeasibly clean dog (probably called Smartz)before getting an award for heroism from the gruff but honest police chief.
ReplyDeleteDid his Mum let him keep Smartz?
I knew you were a bad boy..but heck! LOL
ReplyDeleteTypical man...a woman would never do that.. we leave them in the car with the motor running.
Pash - lol, true. Women are far more sensible than men.
ReplyDeleteYeah . . . right.
Oh, I just love nature shows!